Previous Issue Edition #19
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June 2002 Next

In a change to our normal programming....

This isn't something you're going to see very often, KittyKat writing an editorial. Needs must as the Devil Drives I believe the saying goes. So be nice! What does someone write in an editorial? I've never worked on a newspaper. I don't think that one weeks work experience on the once weekly Antrim Times, typing out bylines for pictures when I was 17 counts really, though I did get to go to court for a couple of hours so it wasn't a total waste. As far as I can tell its merely a personal perspective ramble/rant/deeply intellectual commentary on something current and relevant. I'm going for ramble and current, I think relevancy might be relative.

Is that summer I see before me?

What's that I see in the sky? Could it be? I think it might be.....YES! It is! It's the Sun! Summer is here at last! The time of year where the hayfever kicks in, skin turns a lovely deep red colour, bees. wasps and other irritating insects appear and more importantly exams start. Who decided that June was the perfect time of year for taking exams? Obviously someone who prefered winter or was particularily sadistic. Possibly both. A lot of us are stuck in office buildings, with lovely big windows, allowing the gorgeous weather to mock us while slowing boiling us to death.

It's also the time of year when the population of 10F starts to dwindle slightly as people vanish on holiday, get caught up with end of year exams or just want to be outside. Then there are die-hards like me. I get hayfever, I don't tan, my town isn't really geared towards summer activities and I live in a country where it rains about 90% of the year anyway! As with the past two years I will be a permanent fixture in the outpost over the summer. Sad? Probably! But sometimes a girl really should embrace her nerdiness and get to know her inner geek and I really have to maintain this pale and interesting complexion! Doth the lady protest too much? Okay I'm just not a summer person. There I said it! I like winter. I like snow. I like central heating, hot water bottles and extra blankets. Sure I enjoy an icecream as much as the next person, but summer just isn't as cosy. Roll on November (coincidentally my month of birth) that's what I say!

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