Previous Issue Edition #18
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April 2002 Next

Blast From the Past

Since I've been chained to a network guru for the past two weeks, I haven't had time to write up an editorial, but, hey, who wants to listen to me babble on anyway, right? Sooo, I've uped it a notch and now, I present, the amazing, almighty...Blink!

Heeeeeeyyyyy there OTFers, and Tribune readers alike, long time no talk for most of you. Just felt like doing a little blabbering, and if you feel like it, you can read a little bit of blabbering. Here goes,

I’ve had a pretty full career at OTF, and am currently pretty idle in the world of OTF, keeping in touch with the friends I made there, but taking little part in it’s active growth. It’s part of the pattern. Resistance is futile, you’re all patternized. Let’s see, what comes first?

Newbie-Vision: Ahhhh, the first week of OTFing... it’s a time of little real life interaction, and often late-night chatting. We were all new once. Being new’s fun. Being new’s bliss. Being new’s blissful fun! Remember your first time? Yup, you probly tried to talk to Guinan. Sure, you asked how to be promoted 14,000 times. Heck, you probly put your ensign code in the tagline box(sorry about that guys). But it was still fun, everything was new, but that only lasts so long...

The Kingdom of "Look at me, I’m cool!": Soon, you’ve got OTF all figured out. You own the joint. You’re probably a CL3 or so, and having fun chatting with friends who joined TF around the time you did. Life is peachy-keen. Who knows, maybe you paired of with a cyberGF or BF, and you’re doing really well for yourself. You’re applying to a department, and you’re on your way up the ladder! These are good times, enjoy it if you’re in it.... reminisce if you’re done with it.

Next stop, Lieutenantsville! 88.6% of you are going to be a CL4 for a long time, get over it. It’s fun, if you let it be. You’re gonna have to do work if you plan on growing in rank. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t grow socially. Some of the most successful OTFers I’ve ever met never get past this rank. It’s no big deal, unless you make it one. Anyway, this stage is where a lot of people disappear... they grow tired of OTF. They move away from the community, and become a sheepherder, or shoe shiner, or whatever else. Some of your friends will go bye-bye too. Lieutenantsville can be rough, or tons of fun, it’s all what you make of it.

A Particularly Nasty Breed of Hideous: Ahhhhh, so the next step? Time to conquer the spycam, it truly is hideous. A beast! Once you get it... it’s tough to get away from it. You’ll be too lazy to go in TF anymore, you’ll just watch! Don’t let this happen to you! I’m offering a tutorial on how to not allow this to happen to you, there’s a 10-dollar fee though. You can get my address from Chiefy. Money Orders only please.

If I weren't so lazy, this'd be better, but that's my life story. Stay tuned next month for life after spycam....

Blinky Blink-Blink, the Blinking Blinkster, of Blinkingham.

Peace out.


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